- Predisposing causes for DCI
- Inadequate decompression or surpassing no-decompression limits
- Inadequate surface intervals (failure to decrease accumulated nitrogen)
- Flying or going to higher altitude soon (12-24 hours) after diving. This increases the pressure gradient.
- Individual physiological differences
- Obesity (nitrogen is lipid or fat soluble)
- Fatigue
- Age
- Poor physical condition
- Dehydration
- Illness affecting lung or circulatory efficiency
- Prior musculoskeletal injury (scar tissue decreases diffusion)
- Environmental factors
- Cold water (vasoconstriction decreases nitrogen off-loading)
- Heavy work (vacuum effect in which tendon use causes gas pockets)
- Rough sea conditions
- Heated diving suits (leads to dehydration)
- Divers who have been chilled on decompression dives (or dives near the no-decompression limit) and take
very hot baths or showers may stimulate bubble formation.
- Decompression tables: Decompression sickness may occur even if the decompression tables and no-decompression
limits are strictly observed. The decompression tables and no-decompression limits list the maximum time allowed
for a dive based upon the maximum depth achieved. The limits take into consideration nitrogen saturation of
lipid tissues. Once nitrogen has saturated tissues, a standard ascent to the surface with decreasing ambient
pressure can allow nitrogen to bubble out of solution according to Henry's law. Once the no-decompression limit
has been passed, one or more decompression stops are required during ascent to allow delayed diffusion of nitrogen
out of the lipid tissues back into the blood. Nitrogen is then exhaled through the lungs.
These tables also include calculations based upon the surface interval between dives and residual nitrogen off-loading
during the time between dives. The original tables have 3 problems:
- The tables are based on young, healthy and fit, Navy volunteers. Since many civilian divers do not fit this
profile, the tables have limitations.
- The rapidly expanding use of dive computers takes into account the actual time spent at each depth. This allows
for more time under water and removes a built-in factor that helps keep divers in the conservative range.
- There is an increasing number of casual divers.
The best defence against DCI is diving conservatively. However, divers may still develop DCI.
Today, diving experts recommend a safety stop at 3 or 5 metres for 3-5 minutes. For no-decompression dives, this
is essentially a decompression stop. Since the largest change in pressure per metre occurs in the last 5 metres just under
the surface, this stop allows for additional nitrogen equilibration and off-loading.
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